Sunday, January 20, 2008


I have decided from now on to be faithful to my blog. I guess, it can only help, as writing makes you smarter, they say. Yesterday I went to see JUNO, with Nancy and Mariela, and I L-O-V-Ed it! It was a really good movie, and the tears that came at the end were not expected! (Note that I cry at almost every movie.) Got home, and ate a ton of popusas, which is like my second favorite food, falling a little behind pizza and chicken burritos, which are tied for first place.

Anyways, my permit test is this friday, and suprisingly, I am nervous. Sure, I have studied, but I have never been a good test-taker. Once I pass the permit test, I am going to make an appointment for the driving test for my license. So in other words, I will for sure be driving by my birthday. Now all I need is that car....