Monday, July 28, 2008


Life is really good right now! I realized that my life really doesn't suck as much as I thought! LOL I mean I have everything I want and need you know? Anyways enough of that, I need an update! I quit my job a few days ago, after working there for about 10 months. I feel like that chapter of my life is closed; the fresh out of high school, salon job part of my life, and I am ready for whatever may be next. I might take a month off, and with school starting in September, I will be pretty busy, but I will be job-hunting!

Yesterday my cousin Gaby had her baby, and its soo cute! I love new babies in the family, especially boys. (There seems to be a shortage of boys in our family.) Congrats to her, and I will be sure to take a picture with the little man and post it on here, since my blog is in need of pictures.