Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I hate knowing how much gas my parents put into their car. My dad knows this and makes sure to let me know how much he spends at the pump each time.

I've moved 6 different times throughout my life.

If I could I would listen to my iPod 24/7.

I've been to two Shakira concerts; I loved them both.

I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. I love the decorations, food, etc, but I hate the hassle of presents.

Everytime I see a homeless person, I think of why they are there. What made them give up? What made their family give up on them?

If my hair is lucky, it gets washed once a week.

I wish I had the guts to go blonde, or bright red.

I think about the future way more than anyone should. I wish I would let it come as it would.

Monday, November 10, 2008

No solo de pan vive el hombre.

For lunch yesterday, my family bought some chinese food. Fortune cookies are my favorite part of chinese cuisine! I opened mine and it said, "Live like every day is the best day of the year." Deep.

I'm thinking of making Thanksgiving themed cupcakes. I want to make cupcakes for every holiday. Cupcakes cheer up people! I've spent hours online browsing through recipes and decoration ideas.

I am so glad there are peaceful protests against Prop 8. I think I'll join you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Adventures in Voting

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." - Barack Obama, Nov. 4th 2008

Being 19 years old, I am proud to say this is the first Presidental election I was able to vote in. My polling place was a random elementary school, a few blocks from my house. My and my mom arrived somewhat early, so we felt excitement in the air. I was suprised to see many young poll workers, as I was warned by my English teacher that verrryy old people usually work the polls. If you know me, you know who and what I voted for.

I don't have words to describe how it felt when they announced Barack Obama as the 44th President-elect. We were experiencing history in the making. The country being in the state it is, it won't be fast and easy to fix, but it's coming!

Sadly, Proposition 8 passed. We move so far ahead, and so far behind.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Suck...

at being a consistant blogger. I read others blogs, and they always have something interesting to say, while it takes me like a week to post a semi-interesting blog. Ugg. I need inspiration. Anyways, Halloween was this past Friday, and it was so much fun! I forgot to bring my Cowboy football player costume to my cousin Nancys house, so I borrowed a black shirt and black tights from her, and a pair of the cutest cat ears ever (complete with a piercing on the left ear). We trick or treated with a few of my cousins, and my siblings. It was so much fun. Thankfully we didn't encounter any houses with a Yes on 8 sign, because you know shit would go down! LOL I'm semi-kidding. Right now I am actually enjoying a fun-size skittles bag from my brothers Halloween candy stash. Shhh..

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I love the holidays!