Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I hate knowing how much gas my parents put into their car. My dad knows this and makes sure to let me know how much he spends at the pump each time.

I've moved 6 different times throughout my life.

If I could I would listen to my iPod 24/7.

I've been to two Shakira concerts; I loved them both.

I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. I love the decorations, food, etc, but I hate the hassle of presents.

Everytime I see a homeless person, I think of why they are there. What made them give up? What made their family give up on them?

If my hair is lucky, it gets washed once a week.

I wish I had the guts to go blonde, or bright red.

I think about the future way more than anyone should. I wish I would let it come as it would.

Monday, November 10, 2008

No solo de pan vive el hombre.

For lunch yesterday, my family bought some chinese food. Fortune cookies are my favorite part of chinese cuisine! I opened mine and it said, "Live like every day is the best day of the year." Deep.

I'm thinking of making Thanksgiving themed cupcakes. I want to make cupcakes for every holiday. Cupcakes cheer up people! I've spent hours online browsing through recipes and decoration ideas.

I am so glad there are peaceful protests against Prop 8. I think I'll join you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Adventures in Voting

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." - Barack Obama, Nov. 4th 2008

Being 19 years old, I am proud to say this is the first Presidental election I was able to vote in. My polling place was a random elementary school, a few blocks from my house. My and my mom arrived somewhat early, so we felt excitement in the air. I was suprised to see many young poll workers, as I was warned by my English teacher that verrryy old people usually work the polls. If you know me, you know who and what I voted for.

I don't have words to describe how it felt when they announced Barack Obama as the 44th President-elect. We were experiencing history in the making. The country being in the state it is, it won't be fast and easy to fix, but it's coming!

Sadly, Proposition 8 passed. We move so far ahead, and so far behind.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Suck...

at being a consistant blogger. I read others blogs, and they always have something interesting to say, while it takes me like a week to post a semi-interesting blog. Ugg. I need inspiration. Anyways, Halloween was this past Friday, and it was so much fun! I forgot to bring my Cowboy football player costume to my cousin Nancys house, so I borrowed a black shirt and black tights from her, and a pair of the cutest cat ears ever (complete with a piercing on the left ear). We trick or treated with a few of my cousins, and my siblings. It was so much fun. Thankfully we didn't encounter any houses with a Yes on 8 sign, because you know shit would go down! LOL I'm semi-kidding. Right now I am actually enjoying a fun-size skittles bag from my brothers Halloween candy stash. Shhh..

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I love the holidays!

Monday, October 27, 2008

New Format?

Why is it so hard for me to blog on a regular basis? I am painfully unoriginal, and I can never think of anything to blog about! I wonder why..I think in order to blog daily, (or at least a few times a week) I need to change how this blog works. I am going to try a new format in this post, and hopefully this is the change I need.

#2 Essay - I have an 5 page essay due for English tomorrow, and I am barely on the 3rd page! I love to procrastinate, but I've noticed that I work alot better under stress. I received a very good grade on my last essay, which was written last minute as well, so hopefully that happens this time.
Halloween - I love Halloween! I love the costumes, decorations and if you know anything about me..the CANDY! I consistently have candy with me at all times, either in my backpack or in my purse. With a whole holiday dedicated to candy, who wouldn't be happy!?
Coming Election - Cross your fingers that Obama wins. What would happen if he didn't? I do not even want to imagine! I also hope and pray that the right Propositions get passed.
Christmas - Ugg change the subject. I will elaborate on that later.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


"There are people who have said I'm being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage, gay adoption, basically gay rights but with all due respect I humbly descent. I am not being brave I am being a decent human being, and I don't think I should recieve an award for that, or for merely stating what I believe to be true, that love is a human experience not a politcal statement. However I acknowledge that sadly I live in a world where not everyone feels the same." -Anne Hathaway's acceptance speech at 2008 HRC

I want to dedicate this post to something I have very, very strong opinions about. Hopefully by the end of this, you can get the jest of what I am trying to say. As ya'll know, Proposition 8 deals with gay marriage. A vote on Prop 8 makes gay marriage illegal. Before interracial marriage was legal, many people said the same thing against that, that they now say against gay marriage now. How many people opposed giving women the right to vote??? Many people are uncomfortable voting No on Prop 8, because of their children being taught about gay marriage in school. First, there is nothing that says that will happen. Second, my second grade brother Anthony knows about gay people and my parents have taught him to be accepting of everyone. Third, just because a child knows about gay marriage in no way will "turn" the child gay. Everyone is who they are. Despite your feelings about homosexuals, NOONE has the rights to deny them the right to marry someone they love. I believe in equal rights for everyone, including women, men, mexican, black, gay or straight.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I do not think this blog post will really be an update but I just didn't know what to put as the title. This week and weekend has been pretty chill. I recieved my last paycheck on Tuesday, so me and my sister headed to the mall. We stopped by H&M, where I bought a long-sleeve white shirt, and a black sweater. I need clothes for fall and winter! We also stopped by Sephora, where I was pressured (by myself) to buy a Urban Decay eyeshadow palette. It is beautiful though! I cannot wait to try all the colors.

Yesterday me and my family went to watch Wall-E at Caltech for Family Night. It was the second time for my sister, brother and I. I loved it even more the second time around. I honestly think Wall-E is probably my favorite Disney Pixar movie. Hopefully I have time to update this weekend.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Its 1 in the morning, and I'm blogging. Hmm. Anyways, this past Thursday was the first and only Vice-Presidential Debate. My dad and I watched and I must say, Sarah Palin surprised me. She did better than I thought. I mean, have you watched her interview with Katie Couric? Wow. Despite this, she is still not someone I want as Vice-President, much, much less President. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a woman becoming President, just not her.

I'm so happy that this is the first Presidental Election I will be able to vote in. I mean when is a more perfect time to voice my opinion, as small as it may be. Barack Obama is for sure getting my vote, despite his non-support of gay marriage. Hey, no body's perfect.

Enough politics. I didn't end up going to Six Flags. Long story short, I wasn't feeling good in any way, so I decided to stay home. It's not a BIG DEAL. Anyways, tomorrow is my cousin's sons birthday party at the park (whaaat!) I know its freezing, but tacos from the taquiero always makes me happy. Expect many pictures in tomorrows post, for the lack of them in this one.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Thank God it's Friday! I have a good feeling about this weekend, even though I will spend most of it studying for my Chemistry quiz. Chemistry is definitely not my best subject, so we'll see how that goes.

This morning when I woke up, I had a huge craving for an omelet. Determined to make one, I rummaged through the refrigerator, and found most of what I was looking for. The result? A three egg omelet, with a filling of tomatoes, onions, cheddar cheese, jalapenos, ham and a little bit of parsley and thyme. Delicious! I hope that this means my cooking skills are getting better. This weekend, I failed to mention I am also going to Six Flags for Vons Night, which is one night a year where only Vons workers can purchase tickets. We have attended Vons Night the previous two years, where it took place in Disneyland. It was a lot of fun, as the park was practically empty. Hopefully Vons Night at Six Flags is the same!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weekend Recap

Life has been pretty eventful for me lately. It has consisted of a new semester at school, a couple of "parties," and of course, ever present drama. I have made a commitment to this blog, to include more pictures in each post, as visuals make everything much more interesting. This past week was very interesting. On Friday 9.20.08, some of my cousins and I drove to Hollywood to watch my cousins' band The Sweet Dominiques (formally known as Further) play at a bar named Crane's Hollywood Tavern. I loved the place! It truly seemed like a backyard house party. For some reason there happened to be a table full of cupcakes, which were grabbed quickly by some of us. We later found out they were for a girl's suprise party. Ohh, well. The band was awesome as always, and I was especially happy when they played my favorite song, "Paralyzed." Overall the night was really fun, and I can't wait for the next show.

This past friday, I attended the most weird, akward yet suprisingly fun wedding. My Uncle Julio was celebrating his third marriage, the second within a year, to a woman he has only known for about three months. Yea, that kind of says its all. It's safe to say noone was comfortable being there. The "baile," was fun however. We all formed a circle and danced our asses off. My brother was the main attraction with his hip-hop moves. Fun night.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Life is really good right now! I realized that my life really doesn't suck as much as I thought! LOL I mean I have everything I want and need you know? Anyways enough of that, I need an update! I quit my job a few days ago, after working there for about 10 months. I feel like that chapter of my life is closed; the fresh out of high school, salon job part of my life, and I am ready for whatever may be next. I might take a month off, and with school starting in September, I will be pretty busy, but I will be job-hunting!

Yesterday my cousin Gaby had her baby, and its soo cute! I love new babies in the family, especially boys. (There seems to be a shortage of boys in our family.) Congrats to her, and I will be sure to take a picture with the little man and post it on here, since my blog is in need of pictures.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Haven't blogged in a while I know. This past Tuesday was my sister's 16th birthday, and we went to Chili's to celebrate. I looove Chili's now. It is sooo good. I ordered the chicken tacos and they were one of the best I have ever tasted. So good. Tomorrow is my sister's party, so today is basically going to consist of preparing everything. I am planning to help my mom make potato salad, and clean the house. I haven't bought my sisters present, but I am sure she can wait until I get paid, because I am dead broke!

Yesterday was my first time eating at Dave and Busters, but I wasn't let in at first because in order to get in past 9, you need to be with someone 25 or older. I honestly, do not understand the point of that. Anyways, it was good food as well, and the games were fun too. Hopefully I remember to take pictures of the party tomorrow. PEACE!

Monday, June 16, 2008


I really liked Pretty Woman! I can now see why so many people love it, and why it skyrocketed Julia Roberts to the A-List. In the movie, Julia Roberts reminded me of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I loved it.

Yesterday the family ended up going to my aunt's house for some tamales. We watched the Laker game there, and they won! Sadly I won't be able to watch the game tomorrow since I work. Today for some reason, I haven't been able to stop listening to Black Eyed Peas songs. I think it has to do with the fact that Taboo from BEP, was right in front of me in line at Target, and didnt say anything! Note to self: Next time you see a "celebrity," SAY SOMETHING!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today is Father's Day! To celebrate, our family decided to head to IHOP. I ordered the Sampler which came with ham, bacon, sausage, egg and hash browns, along with two strawberry filled pancakes. It was soo good, and it made me realize how much I love breakfast! Right now I am watching Pretty Woman for the first time ever, which is my moms second favorite movie behind Ghost, so I'll "review" that later!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


HEY YA'LL! Guess what? I have a puppy. While looking through the PennySaver, I noticed an ad for a shih tzu puppy, which I have wanted for a while. We called the number on the ad, and the man let us know that the puppy was still available. Once there, he showed us the Shih Tzu which I thought was really cute, until he showed us two poodles. OMG! I fell in love, and that was that.

Its sooo cute! It is a maltese poodle, and it is about 10 weeks old. It's officially mine, due to the fact that I bought it, but my sister is the one mostly taking care of it, which is fine with me. No dog can replace Simba, but I am sure we will love her just the same.

This weekend was C-R-A-Z-Y! It was my first time taking a shot and I became tipsy with the second LOL! Seriously the craziest night of my life! I LOVE MY COUSINS, BECAUSE THEY ARE PSYCHO LOL Right Mariela? LOL

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Today I voted for the first time. I was really torn between who to vote for. I literally stared at the ballot for like a minute. Finally, I voted Hillary, who won in California. Why can't they just let two people run for president at the same time? LOL. Well, I am happy I voted, because if you don't vote, what right do you have to complain? Like P.Diddy says, VOTE OR DIE! LOL

Work, school, and life in general is good. Two weeks and this hell a.k.a Winter Semester is over, but sadly Spring starts four days after! Oh, well I am that much closer to my goals! PEACE OUT!

Monday, January 28, 2008


Heck, why not?! Today was George Bush's FINAL State of the Union Address, and nothing he said made sense. He mentioned the situation in Iraq getting better, when at the same time thousands of soliders are still over there fighting a battle, that is eerily reminicent of the Vietnam War. Also he offered no clear explanation as to why the economy is so bad these past few weeks. Last week my dad, and my co-worker lost around 2,000 dollars in stocks. UGGG, I am so ready for a change, and I am sure that next year around this time, the State of the Union will be given by a democrat (HILLARY!! or Obama Love them both).

Anyways, today was pretty low key. Went to work. Nothing exciting. This past weekend my co-workers invited me to go to a gay club named RAGE, but like an idiot I decided not to go. I regret it after hearing all their stories about how much fun they had. :/ (My new year's resolution should have been along the lines of trying new things.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


procrastinate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt] noun. - to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.

This post is a result of just that. Procrastination. I should really be finishing my analysis, when instead I am blogging. This reminds me of an episode of Sponge Bob Square Pants, where Sponge Bob is trying to write an essay on what not to do at a stoplight for his drivers ed class. He procrastinates for like five hours, and the next day he realizes it was not even due. LOL! I know what you are thinking. Why in the world is she watching Sponge Bob? Honestly, I do not know.

Today, was again, really not that interesting. I did not go to school today (yes, shame on me). But I am still really sick, so I have a good reason. On the other hand I did go to work, (sick for school not for work? HMM), and it went pretty well. My boss asked me if I can work tomorrow as well, when I was not scheduled to, and I said yes, "because I am a big pussy." What movie is that from? LOL. So more to blog tomorrow ...hopefully.

NOTE: RIP Heath Ledger. So sad considering he had a two year old daughter. So unexpected as well. I mean didn't you expect this kind of thing from Britney Spears or Amy Winehouse. So sad...

Monday, January 21, 2008


Ok, hmmm. What to blog? I guess I should just start with my day, which was purrrr-ty uneventful. I woke up feeling super sick and congested. Have you ever seen that commerical where the ladies head is blowing up like a ballon? That is EXACTLY how I felt! Had to go to work anyways, where it got better. My co-workers are awesome! My manager bought me cough drops, and my co-worker Andy made me tea. I love them!

Anyways, after work I went to my cousins house where I ate delicious sopes, which by the way is number three on my favorite food list. After a few hours there, we returned home, which brings me to now. I really should be writing my essay that is due tomorrow. I guess I should get to that! PEACE!

NOTE: In honor of Martin Luther King day, I must say, our country has come a long way. Barack Obama, a half-black man, running for the democratic nominee, is a giant step. Though I am voting for Hillary, I am happy and proud to see different types of people running for president, that would be unimaginable 40, 50 even 10 years ago. "FREE AT LAST! GOD ALMIGHTY WE ARE FREE AT LAST!"

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I have decided from now on to be faithful to my blog. I guess, it can only help, as writing makes you smarter, they say. Yesterday I went to see JUNO, with Nancy and Mariela, and I L-O-V-Ed it! It was a really good movie, and the tears that came at the end were not expected! (Note that I cry at almost every movie.) Got home, and ate a ton of popusas, which is like my second favorite food, falling a little behind pizza and chicken burritos, which are tied for first place.

Anyways, my permit test is this friday, and suprisingly, I am nervous. Sure, I have studied, but I have never been a good test-taker. Once I pass the permit test, I am going to make an appointment for the driving test for my license. So in other words, I will for sure be driving by my birthday. Now all I need is that car....