Monday, January 28, 2008


Heck, why not?! Today was George Bush's FINAL State of the Union Address, and nothing he said made sense. He mentioned the situation in Iraq getting better, when at the same time thousands of soliders are still over there fighting a battle, that is eerily reminicent of the Vietnam War. Also he offered no clear explanation as to why the economy is so bad these past few weeks. Last week my dad, and my co-worker lost around 2,000 dollars in stocks. UGGG, I am so ready for a change, and I am sure that next year around this time, the State of the Union will be given by a democrat (HILLARY!! or Obama Love them both).

Anyways, today was pretty low key. Went to work. Nothing exciting. This past weekend my co-workers invited me to go to a gay club named RAGE, but like an idiot I decided not to go. I regret it after hearing all their stories about how much fun they had. :/ (My new year's resolution should have been along the lines of trying new things.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


procrastinate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt] noun. - to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.

This post is a result of just that. Procrastination. I should really be finishing my analysis, when instead I am blogging. This reminds me of an episode of Sponge Bob Square Pants, where Sponge Bob is trying to write an essay on what not to do at a stoplight for his drivers ed class. He procrastinates for like five hours, and the next day he realizes it was not even due. LOL! I know what you are thinking. Why in the world is she watching Sponge Bob? Honestly, I do not know.

Today, was again, really not that interesting. I did not go to school today (yes, shame on me). But I am still really sick, so I have a good reason. On the other hand I did go to work, (sick for school not for work? HMM), and it went pretty well. My boss asked me if I can work tomorrow as well, when I was not scheduled to, and I said yes, "because I am a big pussy." What movie is that from? LOL. So more to blog tomorrow ...hopefully.

NOTE: RIP Heath Ledger. So sad considering he had a two year old daughter. So unexpected as well. I mean didn't you expect this kind of thing from Britney Spears or Amy Winehouse. So sad...

Monday, January 21, 2008


Ok, hmmm. What to blog? I guess I should just start with my day, which was purrrr-ty uneventful. I woke up feeling super sick and congested. Have you ever seen that commerical where the ladies head is blowing up like a ballon? That is EXACTLY how I felt! Had to go to work anyways, where it got better. My co-workers are awesome! My manager bought me cough drops, and my co-worker Andy made me tea. I love them!

Anyways, after work I went to my cousins house where I ate delicious sopes, which by the way is number three on my favorite food list. After a few hours there, we returned home, which brings me to now. I really should be writing my essay that is due tomorrow. I guess I should get to that! PEACE!

NOTE: In honor of Martin Luther King day, I must say, our country has come a long way. Barack Obama, a half-black man, running for the democratic nominee, is a giant step. Though I am voting for Hillary, I am happy and proud to see different types of people running for president, that would be unimaginable 40, 50 even 10 years ago. "FREE AT LAST! GOD ALMIGHTY WE ARE FREE AT LAST!"

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I have decided from now on to be faithful to my blog. I guess, it can only help, as writing makes you smarter, they say. Yesterday I went to see JUNO, with Nancy and Mariela, and I L-O-V-Ed it! It was a really good movie, and the tears that came at the end were not expected! (Note that I cry at almost every movie.) Got home, and ate a ton of popusas, which is like my second favorite food, falling a little behind pizza and chicken burritos, which are tied for first place.

Anyways, my permit test is this friday, and suprisingly, I am nervous. Sure, I have studied, but I have never been a good test-taker. Once I pass the permit test, I am going to make an appointment for the driving test for my license. So in other words, I will for sure be driving by my birthday. Now all I need is that car....