Sunday, March 2, 2008


HEY YA'LL! Guess what? I have a puppy. While looking through the PennySaver, I noticed an ad for a shih tzu puppy, which I have wanted for a while. We called the number on the ad, and the man let us know that the puppy was still available. Once there, he showed us the Shih Tzu which I thought was really cute, until he showed us two poodles. OMG! I fell in love, and that was that.

Its sooo cute! It is a maltese poodle, and it is about 10 weeks old. It's officially mine, due to the fact that I bought it, but my sister is the one mostly taking care of it, which is fine with me. No dog can replace Simba, but I am sure we will love her just the same.

This weekend was C-R-A-Z-Y! It was my first time taking a shot and I became tipsy with the second LOL! Seriously the craziest night of my life! I LOVE MY COUSINS, BECAUSE THEY ARE PSYCHO LOL Right Mariela? LOL